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Awareness Campaign about HIV/AIDS through Social Media, NACO AIDS APP, and Documentary on HIV/AIDS

Posted on 21/05/2024

Students were also informed about the social media IDs for awareness about HIV/AIDS like facebook id, Twitter id, and Instagram id. Social media has become an important communication mechanism for both HIV prevention and treatment efforts. Students start following the IDs and can get information about the causes, symptoms, preventions and treatment for HIV/AIDS. Total6o students have participated in this activity. Students were informed about the NACO AIDS APP which is implemented by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO).The app spreads awareness amongst the masses. NACO AIDS APP is a complete package to create awareness about the word AIDS for those who are already aware of their HIV status NACO AIDS APP helps get connected to the nearest HIV Centres, blood banks, Suraksha clinics, ART centers, ICTC centers.The Social Protection Schemes listed in the NACO AIDS APP help people know about nutrition, transportation, livelihood, financial assistance, and several other supports extended by the Government of India. The app is highly recommended for youth, adolescents, pregnant women, and people with risk-pronebehavior. Students downloaded this APP and got useful information about HIV/AIDS. Total 61students participated in this activity. Documentary “Teachaids” shown to the students on HIV/AIDS on dated 12/04/2024. It is an animated documentary related to HIV/AIDS that explains the causes, symptoms, precautions, and preventions from HIV AIDS. The purpose of this documentary is to make aware the students of HIV/AIDS and also spread information about it.A total number of 42 students participated in this activity.