NAAC & Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The internal quality assurance mechanism of the institution may be called “Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)”. The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the colleges.

Internal Members of IQAC

  1. Dr. Ramesh Kumar – Principal                                                   Chairperson
  2. Dr. Harsha- Head, Dept of Mathematics                                     Coordinator
  3. Mr. Amit Bansal- Associate Professor of Computer Science      Member
  4. Mr. Vipin Babbar- Assistant Professor of Computer Science     Member
  5. Dr. Anita Taneja-Assistant Professor of Commerce                 Member
  6. Ms. Heena Pahuja-Assistant Professor of Commerce                    Member
      External Members of IQAC
  1. Dr. P. S. Rohilla(Retd. Principal, GC Hisar)                               
  2. Dr. Ram Singh(Retd. Principal, GC Barwala)                                 
  3. Ms. Sushil(9416060699, Alumni 2009-12 batch, School Teacher GGHS Bhavdin)                             
  4. Ms. Meenu Boora (9306658078, Alumni, Commerce)                                                                  
  5. Ms. Radhika (9728774107, Alumni, Counsellor, AIDS Control Program, MAMC Agroha)                          
  6. Ms. Mukesh(9416527189, Alumni, School Teacher)                                                                                                 

Principal's Message

It is a great pleasure that our college, which is a premier institution in Haryana, is going for the first cycle of accreditation. Since its inception in 2003, this college has strived to help its young girls in acquisition of knowledge and skills, building character and improving employability. The college has emphasized the need of curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities for an all-inclusive development of the students. We believe in holistic education and therefore provide the right ambience and infrastructure for students to develop their talents and ability to their full potential. We teach, coach, counsel and impart life skills through a wide array of activities which helps them to become good and responsible human being and face life challenges confidently.

I am grateful to my students, teaching and non- teaching staff who have contributed in this endeavour of preparing SSR. I am thankful to college NAAC and IQAC committee for working deligently and giving a shape to the scattered mass of data and working on maintaining quality culture in all domains. 

Dr. Ramesh kumar, Principal

Coordinator’s Message


The Government College for Women, Hisar has established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 2nd January, 2014. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of GCW Hisar was formed with the vision to channelize the efforts and measures of the Institution towards academic excellence and progress. Envisioned as an embedded function of the College, the IQAC harnesses synergies from all its constituent units viz. the stakeholders of the college. As a part of its mandate of developing an all-encompassing quality culture in the college, the IQAC plays a greater role in congregating the institutional effort for quality. We hope your feedback and suggestions will help IQAC develop further in its endeavour of creation, sustenance and enhancement of quality in the College.

It documents and reports various activities of the college for various higher education requirements. A continuous follow up has been made on infrastructural resources of the college to assure adequate, appropriate and better facilities to  assure  conducive and enabling environment for teaching, learning  and research. Through all these measures IQAC happens to be one of the important components of the college which ensures quality and continuous improvement in all the units / aspects of the college.

Quality is everyone’s responsibility and a key factor in fostering Quest for Excellence. Therefore, excellence is not being the best; rather it is doing your best. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.

With assurance for the best

Dr. Harsha

Coordinator, IQAC &NAAC


Sr.NoFile NameUploaded DateView
1 Students Feed Back Session 2020 21 13/08/2021 View
2 Teacher Feedback 2020 21 09/09/2021 View
3 IQAC Committee 2020 21 08/01/2022 View
4 session 2020 21 Feed Back Analysis with Action Taken Report 13/01/2022 View
5 IQAC Meetings 2020 21 24/01/2022 View
6 Student Feedback 2021 22 22/12/2022 View
7 Alumnae Feedback 2021 22 22/12/2022 View
8 Teachers Feedback 2021 22 22/12/2022 View
9 Principal Feedback 22/12/2022 View
10 Student Feedback 2022-23 22/12/2023 View
11 Teacher's Feedback 2022-23 22/12/2023 View
12 Alumnae Feedback 2022-23 22/12/2023 View
13 IQAC Composition 2023-24 07/12/2024 View
14 Student Feedback 2023-24 07/12/2024 View
15 Teacher's Feedback 2023-24 07/12/2024 View
16 Alumnae Feedback 2023-24 07/12/2024 View
17 Feedback from Employers of the students of GCW Hisar 2023-24 07/12/2024 View
18 Overall Feedback and Action Taken Report 2023-24 07/12/2024 View